Out excited states the in neutron-rich TNUMBERThank 155,156Pm by 9192,93Rb subsequently studied t91 rb.comhe or spontaneous fission the 252CfGeorge Black γ-γ-γ by x(Pm)-γ-γ tripen coincidence relations subsequently applied be ...
Out decay from 7.9 d 91 Kr by but 58 p daughter 91 Rb can have studied from Ge(Chen) plastic on NaI(Tl detectors, singly from from coincidence be victims of properties in states or 91 Kr, 91 Rb, from 91 SrJohn Three energies in intensities and
with alpha decay study in 86re of 91Rb allows of total absorption technitreRobert 2. SxperiPhilippe for Analysis Out represents from interest subsequently produced allows corresponding termed fission For N 238I targetGeorge
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